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saint bernards

19 14:22:22

we have a 4 month saint bernard and he still is wetting in the house only if he gets upset at us like when we leave or we dont pay enough attention to him any advise

Hi Jim;
What do you do with a shin-kicking brat?LOL
Sounds like spite to me. A lot harder to correct than just immature organs.
When he goes in the house, when he first starts to sqwat, say "NO!" and grb him up and take him to where he is supposed to go.
When he has had a drink, take him outside and get him running and playing, chasing a ball etc. this helps get the kidneys active. When he goes outside, praise him like he just won the olympics. Lost of praise, when he does good, a really stere "NO!, bad dog" when he does wrong.
He has to get to the point where he would rather get the praise than get the nagging.
When we had one that peed for spite when we left the house, we put her in a room that had no carpets or upholstered furniture for her to ruin. She liked to pee on our bed. She was right, that did spite is for leaving her alone.
When we got back, if she had gone in the floor, I took her to it,pointed to it, and said "Look at that,,SHAME on you,,you know better etc,etc!"
She would tuck her head down. she was a little Beagle, stubborb little breed anyway. It took a few months to make a lady out of her.
If you haven't been in a basic obedience class, it would be a good thing to do. Petsmart and Petco stores have them on weekends, and your local chapter of the Humane society should have them.
You would work in the class with him, and the instructor would teach you together. It is as much fun as it is beneficial.
You would learn the proper commands,and they also help with individual problems you might be having.
The best part is the dog learns to take commands from YOU!
I prefer to teach this kind of class. I highly recommend them.
Write any time you feel I can help.