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I have a blue heeler mix that is in heat for the first time.

19 11:37:34

Hi I might sound silly for asking these questions, but this is my first time raising a female. Well shes about 8 months and this is her first time in heat. We are having some strays in our yard, but she is pinned up with/ another male dash. Now I'm not sure if I should leave her in the house and leave the dash outside,or leave her out and the dash inside. I really don't think anything could happen to her if shes in her pin,but shes just not herself and I don't want to make a wrong choice. Another thing is it too late to get her fixed? Even if she is in heat?

Hi Jessica;
My friend's female St.Bernard mated with her little male Dachshund.
No such thing as being too small. They will find a way.
I wouldn't spay during a season, and I don't know a responsible Veterinarian that will.
I would board her until she is finished with her season, or keep her somewhere that no males can get to her. a fence is nothing unless it is 10 ft. Tall and has a closed top over it, and a concrete foundation under it.
Motivation can accomplish anything, and that is STRONG motivation.
Their nerves are on end when they are in season, and when I had a dog that had not been spayed and came into season or was when I took her, I boarded her at my Vet's. It is expensive, but I wanted her to be well cared for and her health taken care of.