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peeing on my lawn!

19 14:23:11

I have tried several things, but my female Walker Hound is destroying my lawn because of going to the bathroom on it-HELP!

Hi Donna;
I have never had a lawn damaged by an animal peeing in it.
I think this happens when the soil is on the acid side.
Maybe the way I water has more to do with it.
Most people do not water correctly. You need to water to a depth of at least 6 inches, and water again when the top 2 inches are dry.
This would dilute the pee.
You might want to have your soil tested, to see if it has a high acid content.
Most grasses don't care for a too acid lawn, and few plants and shrubs like a lot of acid.
I have to add acid to my soil for my Azaelas.
If it is not to much acid, and you water deeply. I can't imagine what you could do.
The commercial "keep-off" products just do not work.
My dogs (I have 4) pee all over my yard, but I have them trained to defficate in one certin spot.
Maybe you could train the dog to go to just one spot, and keep that area covered with bark mulch, rather than having one spot of just dirt.
Maybe you could plant some acid loving plants there, and make a border with landscape timber or bricks, and have a wide perimeter so the dogs could have room to go there.