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19 13:50:53

Have a ten yr old Golden Retriever with A Fib, has seizures when he gets nervous or excited.  Cannot take him to the groomers any more, he shakes and have to drag him in there.  How can I take care of him at home.  Frequently gets awful hot spots, bits at his furr.  He looks terrible.

Hello Karen,  I understand your problem, I would look for a mobil groomer to come to your home.  If you do not have one in your area, then call a local grooming shop and ask if anyone would be interested in coming to your home.  As far as you doing it yourself, well he really just requires regular brushing, a bath once in a while with a medicated shampoo for his skin and then some spot treatment for the hot spots and a nail trim every month.  Ask your vet for something to relieve the soreness from the hot spots.  It may be cortizone.  You can try benadryl for people as an antihistomine for relief of his hot spots, call your vet for the actual dose.  They are familar with this treatment.  It is a great option to not using cortizone.  Although sometimes not as effective.  Good luck and Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)