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kidney stones

19 11:53:39

Hi Becky,
I hope you can help me,I truly appreciate it!My husband took our 7 yr old pit to the vet Saturday(because he couldn't pee)and he now has been scheduled for surgery Monday morning,They found he has kidney stones.but in the meantime he is completely miserable!!  He's always going outside trying to pee but only dribbles,My husband didn't ask any questions and I was wondering about water...I know he needs it but should I limit his water? They gave him a scrip for CEPHALEXIN, everytime he takes it, he throws up real hard so we didn't give him any today and he hasn't thrown up. Is there anything I can do to make it a little more comfortable for him? I can't stand to see him suffer.Since you were a assistant at one time I hope you can help me with this...Thank you so much!!  

Hi Barbara!
Cephalexin is an antibiotic and if he could keep it down, I think he would feel much better.  I wouldn't limit his water, I think that would only make it worse.  I don't know where you live so I don't know if it's too late to get in touch with your Vet, but if there was some way of getting a substitute antibiotic, or even something to keep it down, would help. I certainly understand your concern but unfortunatley since it's the weekend, you may just have to wait until the morning.  I hope all goes well.

God Bless,