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hair matting

19 14:05:38

I have a Yorkshire Terrier and her hair mats easily---we brush her often---how often should she be bathed and taken to the groomer---I usually go every 8 weeks, is that enough.  

It depends on how long you want to keep her hair and how much brushing you do at home. The longer the coat, the more often the grooming. Talk with your groomer and ask her if the every 8 weeks seems to be enough. Are you getting charged extra for mats?  Is the dog having to be shaved down because of mats?  If so, you need to go more often.  Bathing also depends on the dog.  Some need on every couple of months and some every 6 months. Depends how dirty they get and how oily the coat is. You just really need to talk with you groomer.