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Potty Problems for my Chihuahua

19 11:55:50

I own a 3 year old Chihuahua, Banks. I got him was he was 9 wks old, for the last two months he has been urinating in three different spots in my house. Kitchen, living room, and bedroom. I let Banks out almost evry hour and he walks the yard urinating at least four times, if not more. After I let Banks inside, maybe after a hour or so he will go to one of the corners of my house and urinate. I don't know what to do. Banks is not fixed and I'm not sure if thats his problem. I'm confussed, can you please help.

He is probably marking his territory, now that he is an adult.   When he is in the house put him on a leash and attach it to your belt.  Walk him casually by these spots frequently and every time he goes to lift his leg correct him with a tug and the word "NO" and bring him outside.  Also get so bitter apple from the petstore and spray those spots.
If you have to leave him alone,  confine him to an area or crate him.