Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 3-day old puppy stopped nursing

3-day old puppy stopped nursing

19 11:35:38

i have no asked this question before.... this is my FIRST time on this site....

thanks for your NOT helping.... ugh.... my puppy is dying and i thought i could ask an EXPERT about why, and all i get from you is...

"I have already answered this question for you once before."

how dare you assume that i would be STUPID enough to ask the SAME question..... my puppies are JUST now 4 days old...

some expert you have turned out to be.... its not like i just randomly chose someone to ask, i was up most of the night trying to find some information..... then i find you and you blow me off.... NICE.... very NICE....  

Oh grow up,  your dog needs a vet,  I failed to answer because I would have thought you would have knew that. Very strange someone wasting time on a site when you should really be at the vet.  This is what happens when people who dont have a clue breed.