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Getting along with neighbor dogs

19 11:39:00

We have a 5 year old pit bull that is well behaved generally but tends to be dog aggressive.  He gets along great with out cat and wont harm other animals until he's given a command or attacked. (recently he had a run in with a skunk....eeewww) We moved into a wonderful new property with almost an acre of fenced yard for him to play in, which we are thankful for as there seem to be many strays wondering making walks difficult at best.  Our neighbors on one side have a very mellow beagle that has never been a problem, and the other neighbors have an intact male schitzu and a little alaskan poof ball named Rowdy.  We taught Benny to leave the dogs alone, as Rowdy is blind and barks if Benny is too close to the fence.  However, recently the neighbors wife moved back and with her came a intact female schitzu.  This little stinker is very territorial and growls and barks at our boy till he can't help himself.  I usually try to not let him out when their dogs are out now, but the times he's been out that I haven't noticed he is at the fence having a stand off or running the fence.  When he is at that point I have to get ahold of him by the scruff and drag him inside which isn't easy as he weighs around 80lbs.  

My question is, is there a way to get these dogs to get along or at least ignore eachother?  I know with the cat it took about a month of Benny getting cheese in his Kong before he was ok with the cat...after that they quickly became best buds.  Benny is very good at ignoring dogs but is very tense at any sign of aggression.  The neighbor and I are friends and we both want to work toward a calmer neighborhood, at least between our fence lines.  Thank you for your time and God bless.

If your neighbors would be willing to correct their dog for instigating, and therefore stop HER inappropriate behavior, that would be ideal. Another solution would be to put up something to block their view, so that the dogs cannot see into each other's yard. You could use anything from landscaping cloth, to wood panels, to metal roofing material.

I would not let Benny out in the yard unsupervised. You need to be able to correct him at the first sign of tensing up, so until he can ignore the feisty female next door, you need to be out there with him, or at LEAST keep him in view and be able to get out there immediately when he starts posturing.