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New puppy, Labored breathing, hacking cough

19 11:38:27

Hi Charlotte,
We just purchased a new Yorkipoo puppy (Brutus, 11 weeks old), and he seems to have this hacking cough. It's not constant, and some people have told me that it's just a normal thing that puppies do. I also noticed that his breathing is a little labored sometimes as well. Is this a normal trait for the breed, or should I expect this to go away as he grows up? Thanks for your time!

I wouldn't say it was normal.  You should have had the pup vet checked before purchase. I would take him to the vet,  and if something is up with him,  talk to the breeder,  because it is not normal for any dog to have a cough.  Constant or not,  if you noticed,  it must be something.