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my puppie pepsi

19 11:52:19

i got my puppy about 2 weeks ago.Im sure he is a American pittbull.He does not have any shots as of right now.He is about 4 months old. he is so skinny and doesn't really eat much.For the past 24 hrs he's been throwing up yellow puss with foam on top.Does he have pavo?

Hi there,

When dogs and puppies contract parvo, they often have diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. Usually they stop eating and can develop a bloody, foul-smelling, liquid stools.  If you think your puppy may have parvo, he needs immediate medical attention because parvo can kill if left untreated.

It's also possible that your puppy has some kind of intestinal parasite, given the fact he's so skinny.  Intestinal parasites can cause a dog to throw up, have diarrhea, and effect his appetite.

Whatever is the cause of your dog's symptoms, you need to have him examined by a vet to get a diagnosis, and treatment.

Four months old is rather old for a puppy NOT to have had his shots. That's something really important, and when you see your vet, it's something you should request.

Best of luck,
