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external anal polyps

19 9:19:58

I have a 15 yr old cocker spaniel in the last 4 yrs her external anal polyps have grown to be about the size of m&m's.about 3 of them around her anus. She has no problem going to the bathroom and I wash her every few days to keep her clean.  sometimes the poop collects under her tail  when she skoots.  Recently after i washed her she scooted and it bled  It looked pink and two days later after she went out it bled again, her fur was a little messy. What can I do to help her  Food Salve, bath,compresses  I hope this doesn't happen too often bleeding that is.  How serious can this be she's too old for surgery. She sleeps alot and has a hard time walking  any distance otherwise she is a happy good spirited little dog. Is she in any pain?

She may be skooting because the polyps are bothering her, but I tend to think her anal glands are full.  Have the vet empty her anal glands and see if the skooting stops within a couple of days.

Also, ask the vet if one of the gentamiacyn (and that is NOT the spelling) would help, if not get any antibiotic cream that has a pain relief, and put it on the pumps.  Anything that will ease the itch or pain from these will be good.  I think if she is in any pain, it is more of an irritant than something that is making her suffer.

If you can get something topical that numbs the area, she will probably not skoot, but have the anal glands checked first.   

Plain vaseline will protect the skin in the area from any feces that might hang up there.
