Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Ears?


19 13:35:00

Can you answer this silly question, i just want to know what it means when a dogs ears go back?? I know in horses they are annoyed, are dogs scared when their ears go back?

Hello, I'd say yes when there scared.... this behavier can also be seen in dogs that are being agressive and growling at other dogs or people, My 80 labrador retreiver 'Haylie' will put her ears back and pull away if she sees another dog during a walk unless the dog isnt in a yard...thou when all three of ay dogs and I are out for a walk she will be agressive towards any other dog that may be growling or barking and will go nuts on her head halter! My boston terreir female 'Hannah' puts her ears back and will bear her teeth and snap if my jack russell terrier 'Luke' is trying to take a toy or food away from her.