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bathroom issue

19 13:35:00

I have a one year old sheltie and even though she goes to the bathroom outside she still will pee and even poop sometimes in the house,I have steamed cleaned my carpets where she has gone but it is very hard trying to get all the smell out how can I break this habit and yes she has been through training school when she was a puppy and she graduated.  thank you Angela

Ok, This isnt good, What you want to do is take her out first thing in the mroning and before bed at night, you want to watch for any signs of her going by the door or starting to sniff around and boot her out the door so she can go, if she is soiling the hosue while your away Crate her being suer to let her potty first and the dog rarely pees or anything in its persoanl space of the crate...puppies offen do but shes over her puppy stage so she should be fine. Whenever your busy and can not watch her either place her in the yard or in her crate...crates arent just for puppies! If you can catch her in the act a bitter NO! and a look of disgust will make her pout and then you place her outdoors to relive her self fully or jsut to let her know its where she is to go, Shelties are very smart dogs if you do what I've reccomended she should be fully house trained in no time, Use a strong cleaner without ammonia(makes it smell more like a potty place to dogs) to clean the area right after the dog has gone if possible use viniger/water mizxed be sure it wont stain the cvarpet first by tyrying it in a hidden corner, you can get many things in pet shops to clean teh area as well, after you get the upper carpet clean do steam the patch right can get cheap steam cleaners that are not really bulky for walmart or zellers. Best of luck with your sheltie.