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Adult God Urinating in crate

19 10:55:26

Hello, I have 2 boxers. Ana almost 10 year old male and a 3 year old female.  both dogs are crated when we are not home and my female is great.  My male has been (since last year) urinating in his crate all over his bedding and sleeping in it.  He will sometimes go a month without doing it, but typically it happens a few times aday - no matter how often he is let out and he does go when outside.  he never did this before (we have had him since he was 1 year old).  We did take him to the vet and spent over $400 having everything from a CBC to infection tests done and they all came back negative and fine.  We are at our wits end with a house and dog that constantly smell like urine and a dog that can't be part of the family anymore. Any ideas why he is doing this?

As dogs get older they need to go more frequently just as humans do. Dogs don't pee or poop out of retribution or necessary. Your boy , if he were human would be over fifty. We have to make adjustments for our older dogs as these changes occur. Letting him out more frequently and giving him ice cubes to lick rather than water to gorge on probably will help. Unfortunately there are no magic answers to ageing dogs, just as there are none for ageing humans.
Good luck with your boy,