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my puppy bites

19 11:44:05

I have a pomeranian that will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. he likes to bite me and my husband. we are elderly and it is just the two of us. we have other pets. I wanted to know if this is just a stage they go thru or if it's something else. we give him toys to play with. he kinda just chews but sometimes he can bite hard. is this something i should worry about or will he eventually quit?

Hi Glenda;
My first name is Glenda.LOl
At 7 weeks, he is losing his baby milk teetyh and cutting his new teeth. Their gums ache just like any other baby's when they are teething, so he needs something to chew on to ease his gums and help push those little teeth through.
Get him a Kong toy or A NylaBones toy. They are made of hard rubber than he can't bite off a piece to choke on, and it will give him the gnawing he needs. They come in sizes and hardness for different agea and sizes of dogs. Ge him the little ones for a amall breed puppy.
When he bites you and your husband, say "No!, don't bite, be a sweet baby. Chew on your toys" if he keeps biting you tell him if he is going to bite you won't play, and p[ut him down, and don't play with him.
He needs to know whan he bites, he doesn't get played with and when he doesn't bite you, he gets lots of attention.
He won't quit on his oqn. Biting is the way puppies play, so if he isn't taught better, it will get worse.
Best to train him out of it now.