Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 8-1 shoot

8-1 shoot

19 9:20:50

i gave my dog (dotson/ poodle mix) a 8-1 shoot tonight and within 20 min she layed down and did not want to move. Her breathing is very shallow and she grunts when i try to mover her. Is this a normal reaction in some dogs.


Hi Michael,

Your dog may be having a reaction to the 8-1 vaccine. It could be a serious reaction, for that reason you should contact your vet.

Anytime time your dog is having a serious concern you should contact your vet, since the rules of this web site say the experts you contact may take up to three days to get back to you with a response, and that is far too long to wait in an emergency. If your vet's office is closed, and they do not have a doctor on call after hours, check your local yellow pages to find an emergency vet office.

Best of luck,
