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my dog is jealous of my new puppy

19 13:33:04

I recieved a 5 week old chihuahua for christmas two weeks ago, and she has been the center of attention. right from the start, my 5 year old family dog, a 1/2boxer 1/2 pitbull, has seemed extremely jealous. He mopes around, acts depressed and always has a sad look on his face. Whenever the puppy comes near him, he gets up and walks away slowly, then stares like he's upset. I can totally tell that he is taking it really hard, and i dont know what to do to make him stop feeling depressed.
please help me.

Hi Heather;
Yep, the lil green monster raises it's head.
I try to make the older dogs part of the new puppy's coming, just like you do when you bring a new baby home from the hospital, and you have older children at home.
I include the dogs with the playing with and care for the new puppy.
My dogs love it when I foster a little one.
They actually help me train the foster dogs I take in, but they really love to see little ones come to the house.
I brought home a litter of 5 puppies oncew, and it was right after Christmas.
My 4 dogs were jumping around like , "Oh, look what mommy brought us for Christmas".
That litter was such a rambunctious bunch, and we ended up having to keep them for 3 months, because when I took them to the Veterinarian, the day after I brought them home, I found they had Sarcoptic Mange.
BIG Vet bill, and a lot of trouble.LOL
By the time they were well, had a full growth of hair, and could be adopted out, they had gotten big enough and rambunctious enough, they were driving my dogs nuts.
They usually sit by the door and whine when I am taking foster dogs off to the adoption clinic. As I was taking those puppies out, they all sat and watched, and not one of them showed any emotion but relief that those little brats were leaving. LOl
The puppy getting all the attention makes your dog feel like he has been replaced.
He needs to be assured he still has his same place in the family, and that the puppy is "HIS" pet too.
Make sure he knows he is still loved, and is not being replaced.
Call the puppy his pet, and make him a part of helping you to teach the new puppy.
He is like a 3 or 4 year old child that has a new baby brother or sister, and everybody pays attention to the new baby, and none to him.