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Lead training

19 14:04:34

Hi Charlotte,
We have a 10 week old boxer pup, he has eventually got used to his collar but when we trya nd walk him on a lead he bites and yanks it.
How can we stop this?

He probably didn't have a chance to get used to the leash before you tried to walk him on it, and he may be afraid of it.
He may just be a baby, which he is, and doesn't want any confinements.
Try putting the leash on his collar and just let him drag it around awhile. It would even be better to get a very short leash and let him drag that one.
You could sit on the floor and play with him while he has it on, and occasionally, while you are sitting there, hold onto the leash, and sort of guide him with it.
What I am trying to convey, and not finding the right words is, to get him to think of the leash as no big deal, and not something to be afraid of. Whuile you are sitting on the floor with him, you are closer to hold him and calm and reassure him.
I suspect he is afraid of it. you could even let him play with it.
At this age, he really needs to just get comfortable and at ease with his new ho,e and peole. He is not in great need of daily walks. He could play tug with the leash a bit. It would not be hard later to teach him that it can be a toy, but when it is on, and you are standing and walking him, it is not a toy, but serious business.
You are pushing too much obedience at too young an age. I usually don't try to start teaching them to walk on a leash until about 3 or 4 months old.
I carry them in when I take them to the Vet for their puppy shots, and keep them in my arms in the waiting room. they need to feel safe at all times, and they need to look to you for their safety.I do put a leasn on them when we go to the animal clinic, but I carry them in my arms. While they are on the table, and we are waiting for the Vet to come in, I have one hand on them, and the leash in my other hand. they get used to the feel of the leash, and when I start walking them on it, it is no big deal to them.
Right now he is afraid of it, and is trying to get rid of what he is afraid of.