Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > (1) My Dog is a CONSTANT Barker and (2) Terrified of Other Dogs

(1) My Dog is a CONSTANT Barker and (2) Terrified of Other Dogs

19 13:38:57

My almost 2 year old mini dachshund (Newman) is a great little dog, but he loves to bark.  He basically barks when he thinks anyone is coming into his turf when I am around.  I yell no and I put my finger in front of his nose, but that doesn't work usually, at least not at first.  Someone advised me about those anti-bark collars.  I thought it was mean, so instead I bought a fine mist squirt bottle and if he really won't stop barking, I squirt him around the face (it really is a very fine mist and I still hold the bottle about 12 inches away from his face).  It helps a little, but still hasn't solved the problem.  I've noticed that he seems to be getting more and more standoffish around people who come into the house.  He has been around tons of people since he was a puppy (I got him when he was about 8 weeks old).  I have two roomates and he's always around my parents and friends, etc.  If he doesn't know the person well and they come into the house, he barks uncontrollably and constantly.

The other issue is that he was attacked by a siberian husky when he was about 6 months old.  I know now that I should have started bringing him around other dogs right away to keep him socialized and to make sure he would get over his fear.  I did not do that, however, and he's TERRIFIED of other dogs.  Regardless of the size, he tries to run away.  He's even snapped at them when he feels cornered.  When they come near my house he barks viciously.  Is there anything I can do at this point to help him?  He loves cats!  My mother has two and he adores playing with them.  He's never once tried to hurt them or barked at them.  Even when they swat at him with claws, he's still not afraid.

Any advice you could give me would be a great help!

Hy Crystal;
The best remedy I have found for excessive barking is the Tellington-Touch method of animal massage.
I got a video some years ago to learn the proper way to give th massages, and I can't say enough about them.
I have cured fears, excessive barking, pain relief fro  poost surgery recovery and Arthritis etc.
They are easy to do and easy to learn from the videos.
It sounds like anxiety that is causing your dog to shy of people and other dogs.
The attack is at the bottom of this fear, I am sure.
The massages will help a lot.
When you are going to take him around another dog, and when people he usually barks at are coming, give a 5 to 15 minute massage.
Barking hello at people he knows is harder to fix.
This is talking, and he wants them to know he is happy to see them.
I dopubt it would have helped to take him around other dogs after that attack.
He is barking to show other dogs he is big and mean, so they should be afriad to start something with hi,
It is just trying to warn them off so they won't attack him.
Poor baby, he is just afraid, and a calming massage would help this.
I don't approve of the shock collars for anything!
In your dog's case, I think it would make the problem worse. It would just give him something else to fear.
I don't car3 for the squirt bottle either.
If it is an emotional problem, no kind of punishment is going to help it.
I recommend you give the massages a try.
I have had more results with that than anything I ever used before.
You can read about this methed of massage, and order a video from there to learn how to do them.
