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19 13:39:33

Hi, I have a 2 yr old female Papillon named Daisy and a 2 yr old male Chihuahua named Babyboy.  My problem is Daisy  will bite Babyboy if there is food nearby or a toy she wants. She doesn't draw blood but a couple of times she has pulled out small tuffs of fur.  My vet suggested that I find her a home without any other dogs.  Most of the time they play and sleep together happily.  I don't want to loose her but it isn't fair to Babyboy to let her aggressive behavior continue.  Is there anything you know of that I can try to keep the peace in our home without breaking up our family?  I appreciate any advice you have. Thank you Donna

Hi Donna;
Well, I don't believe in giving up on them.
I wouldn't find a home for one of my children if it picked fights with the others, and my pups are my babies too.
I am training a newly added one right now.
It is his intention to take over and not allow another dog here.
He belonged to my friend, and she can no longer care for him as she has to live in a nursing home now. He is used to 3 of my dogs, but there is another one since he was here last.
He is a little Youkie, and the new dog is an Australian Shepherd.
The Aussie is trying to not hurt the little wart, but just get him off of him.
Mighty Mite, the Yorkie attaches himself to the Aussie in a "kill, kill" attitude, and I have to literally pry his mouth apart to disengage him.
I did it,and put him into time-out ( chewed him out royally, telling him I did not allow that and he was going to time out tioll he can behave.
I close them up in the small bathroom for about a half hour.
It works.
That little critter has a body the size of a large rat, but he has the nerve of a cougar.
He is learning, and has stopped attacking the other dog.
They have to learn that YOU are the alpha, and they are just one of the children in th family.
Mom and dad make the rules and the children follow them or they get punished.
I have found a good stern scolding and time out is more effective in curing bad behavior than anything.
The second time I have to put them in time-out,( if they come out and start right back with the same thing) I leave them for an hour.
They HATE to be isolated where they don't know everything that is going on, and a good scoldinmg so they KNOW they are being punished for doing something bad.
A good obedience class would help too.
I recommend a group class.
The owner handles the dog and a trainer instructs the class.
The dog learns who is the alpha!
I won't give one up because of bad behavior. I correct it through trining.
When she learns she is not allowed to play with the other dog if she is going to be mean to it, and she will get chewed out and put in time-out to boot, she will soon see it is in her best intersts to bahave like a lady.