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Dog Behavior - licking my mouth all the time!

19 14:02:44

I have two Italian Greyhounds which are always excited when I sit down on the couch to cuddle and play with them. My question is, whenever I sit down, Panache ,the girl, always has to lick my mouth...nowhere else. It is always my mouth and she will not give it up! The other one, Horatio, always wants to bite and nip at my ear. I see him doing this to Panache also who is the older of the two. Is there a good reason why this fixation on my mouth and ears or is it something they've just developed?

Hi Whitney!

Oh, I just love Italian Greyhounds!  I used to own one some years back.  I love the breed, but I could NOT get that dog housebroken!  What about yours?  Did you have a problem with that ?

About your question.... I really do not know why some dogs insist on licking you right in the mouth!  My daughter has a Yorkie that does the exact same thing!  If you aren't fast enough, she will give you the old "french kiss"!  LOL  Same goes for the ear nipping, I really don't know why they want to do that.  I think perhaps it is their way of expressing love for you.  I know for certain there is nothing vicious about it, as I'm sure you know that.  This is their way of greeting, just as people often shake hands.  I suppose you could break them from it with some training.  You may want to ask a dog trainer in this forum on advice about how to go about doing that.  I wish  I could be of more help,sorry!

God Bless,