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Two dogs bringing out the worse in each other?

19 10:40:07

I have moved in with my partner 6 months ago, my partner has a hearing dog Charlie who is a mixed breed and I have a chocolate Labrador. They get on really well with each other always playing or cuddled up. The problem that we have is since my dog (female choc lab) has been spayed she has been at times aggressive with other dogs when she is out with Charlie (my partners hearing dog) Before she was never really interested in other dogs but Charlie is a sociable dog and runs up to every dog he sees. Toffee goes with him and alot of the time it's fine but there have been instances where she has become aggressive and non responsive when i call her. They also bark at every passing dog when they are in the car, something that neither of them do when they are on their own. Please can you suggest something as my partner is losing confidence in taking them out together which has never been a problem for her in the past. Many thanks Rachel

Hi Rachel-

It sounds like when you are all out together, your dogs are developing a pack mentality where you are no longer alpha. My biggest suggestion for you and your partner would be to take the two out together and keep them on leash, and go back to square one on training. Start the "nothing in life is free" program- if someone wants to run, halt them, circle them and sit them, wait until they calm, praise, and start walking, and continue. As for the car- try blacking out the windows so they cant see anything. (Sheets and towels work great) Praise them as they ride calmly and nicely, and then offer them one window at a time for them to view. As they start barking, close the window again so they stop. Continue this until they realize that they will only get to ride with an open view if they are nice and quiet.

Sometimes with two or more dogs learning how to behave together, its like having to start all over. They just get this pack mentality where they learn how to only react to each other, and no one else around them. This is entirely possible to fix, it just requires a little patience, and a lot of consistency.

Good luck!