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10 year old German shepherd Vomiting

19 13:37:46

My 10 year old female german shepherd started vomiting yesterday. She vomited several times clear liquid up until 9pm last night. Today she had not vomited but just wanted to lay down. Tonight she vomited up a giant spot of clear liquid. I have not fed her since monday night only gave her water. My vet. is off until friday and they recommend I take her to the hospital which right off the bat they want you to pay them $1,500.. My dog has a cold nose and seems semi alert. I have also tried to offer her some food just a few peices of her kibble but she wants nothing only water.. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated..

Since she is 10 years old I would have to agree with your vet's recommendation to take her in.  Older dogs are at higher risk of having liver or kidney issues, which can cause vomiting.  If she can't keep down water then there is the possibility of an obstruction, in which case she needs medical attention right away.  If you absolutely can't take her in then the best thing you can do is make her comfortable.  If she's keeping down water, then try feeding her something bland like boiled chicken and rice.  That may set better on her stomach, and she might be tempted to eat that instead of her dry food.  Make sure she gets plenty of fluids as well.  If you can I would also recommend taking her temperature.  A cold nose can be a sign that her temperature is low or normal, but not necessarily.  You will have to take her temperature rectally.  Normal temperature for a dog is about 101, with 103.5 considered a fever and over 105 needing immediate attention.  Check her color as well.  Her gums should be pink and when you push on them the color should come back within a second or two.  If her gums or white or yellow in color then she needs medical attention immediately.  I wish I could help more, but really the best thing is going to be a vet.  I hope she gets better.
