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deaf bitch breeding

19 10:24:41

hi, i have a deaf bitch dalmatian, she was due to be spayed in January but during her last season she was mated by a Labrador. as she is deaf we didn't want her to have any pups as she could pass this on. we were advised by our vet that because she was due to be spayed soon anyway we should opt for a termination at 4 weeks as they could spay her at the same time, however when the vet examined her at 4 weeks he was very reluctant to carry this out. he then suggested a miss-mate injection. however this did not work and we now have 2 puppies, they are only 1 day old but the bitch will not leave them alone. she will not let them feed and constantly licks them and carries them around her whelping box. she laid on one and it nearly died, it was purple and its tongue turned white. as she is deaf she cannot hear them. i have been with her at all times since but cannot stay with her in her box always. how do i overcome this? please help as im in desperate need of sleep but i do not want to separate mum and pups unless absolutely needed.


I can't believe your vet wouldn't perform a spay, and a mis-mate shot is useless that far along. If I were you, I would give him a VERY good talking to!! We have spayed bitches way into the third trimester, and it's perfectly safe, much safer then trying to whelp a litter with a deaf bitch!

Unfortunatly, my advice would be to seperate them. One of the reasons deaf dogs are never bred (besides the obvious genetic implications) is for the exact situation you are describing. When they cant hear the puppies signals they are nervous, and they may kill them because they cant hear when they are hurting them. It would be best to handraise these guys.

I really hope they make it. So sorry you are going through this!