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Harmony between 6 yr old maltese & 7 month old yorkiepoo

19 10:53:27

We have a very laid back 6 year old female Maltese (Jasmine) and just recently rescued a 7 month old female Yorkshire terrier/poodle mix (Bella). The puppy is very, very active and aggressive, whereas, the Maltese doesn't want to be bothered. Every time they are in the same room, the puppy ends up chasing or just running over and nipping at the Maltese and there is a standoff. After we break it up or they just get tired, the puppy (who is housebroken) will either poop or urinate on the floor. What can we do to help them get along better and to stop the puppy from marking after they have an altercation?

Hi Mia,
Thanks for the question. I'm not sure if what you describe is normal play (excluding the inside elimination) or not. Do they ever play together? Do they trade places- Bella  chases and then Jasmine chases? What do you mean by standoff? Does jasmine correct the puppy or does she hide and run from Bella?  

Even if it is normal play, it can get too rough for inside the house. First attach a leash to Bella so you can prevent her from "chasing or just running over and nipping" Jasmine.

It's likely that Bella needs more exercise. Take her for 2, 20-45 minute walks each day. Do the dogs know any obedience commands? If not, teach them a few and if so, hold several 2-minute practice sessions each day with each dog and then a few sessions with both dogs. This will stimulate their minds and help to exercise them as well.

Both dogs should learn go-to-place and down-stay. Practice these with each dog in the same room. Have one dog wait while you give attention to the other.

Feeling Outnumbered? Managing and Enjoying a Multi-dog Household by Patricia McConnell is a good book about multiple dogs.

I'm not sure why she eliminates inside - after these episodes. It may or may not be marking behavior. It may or may not be related to the nature of the previous episodes with Jasmine. Dogs often eliminate in the middle of, or right after, intense play. Does she ever eliminate inside at any other times?

Thanks for writing. If you can answer the questions, I'll add more thoughts. Good Luck!

Alan J Turner
Memphis, TN