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Barking etc at other dogs whilst on the lead

19 11:36:11

Hi Charlotte,

I have a 17 month old Lurcher, which while in the home is extremely placid and relaxed but as soon as he goes out he becomes quite aggressive towards other dogs. He lives with two other lurchers and is fine with them and two other dogs that he goes on walks with.
He currently has not been castrated but is going to get done in a few weeks .

Please help as i am worried that if things do not improve i may have to rehome him.

Many Thanks


Hi Lisa;
He needs to be neutered as soon as possible, for his health if for no other reason.
The aggressive barking is more fear than aggression.
Aggression comes from being insecure and feeling threatened or being taught to be aggressive, or being abused.
Most likely your dog is feeling a possible threat from other dogs, so he is warning them that he is vicious to keep them from attacking them. A big show, in other words.
Go to this website and read what can be done with this type of animal massage.
I have used it for years as a training tool to correct bad behavior, fears and calming, as well as for pain relief fron arthritis or post surgery recovery.
It is easy to learn how to do the massages, and you can order a video from there to learn the different massages.
