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Puppy at home alone

19 10:07:23

Hi there,
We bought a Dachshund at 6 weeks old-she is now 10 weeks old. We live in a penthouse apartment and my puppy stays inside in her room. i've managed to get her to start using a litter box to eliminate which is working well! There are times when my pup cries if i'm not in her room (it doesn't seem like she enjoys being alone). Unfortuanatley both myself and my husband work during the day so cannot always be at home with her. Is this normal for her to be crying?

Dogs are hardwired to expect to be with others.  Starting at 6 weeks, she should adjust to being alone.  I often suggest if you can't make it home for a mid day break, of finding a neighbor or professional dog walker to do it.  I am not sure how that will work in a pent house.  Once she is older, it may be a good idea to use a doggy day care.