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being a vet

19 14:30:12

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Question -
     im a dog fan!i want to continue my love for them when im older. i want to be a vet. i was wondering how long do you have to go to collage to be one?
Answer -
Start by making very good grades in all subjects, but especially in math and science classes.Biology, physics, chemistry. You will have to go to school a minimum of 6 years after high school.
Most veterinarians go 4 years to college, and then 4 to 4 years to medical school, then an additional few years specializing in Veterinary medicine.
Some schools will allow 3 years of Pre-Med. Then you would enroll in Veterinarian school.Undergraduate school taking clases like Botany, Zoology,and biology, will help you a great deal.
Some high schools will allow you to drop some classes in your Jr. and Sr. years. Don't drop ANY classes. Veterinary schools are stiff competition. There are always many more applicants than they have openings for. They take the ones with the very best grades, especially in math and science, first,then they work down from there, untill all the openings are filled.

How old are you now?
How long before you will be in high school?
   If that is too long for you to go to school, you might want to look into some of the other veterinary profesions, like Veterinarian's assistant. A Veterinariy Technician does testing, and other laboratory work.

The average veterinarian in the US, in 2000, earned an average of $60,000.00.
A lot depends on if you own your own veterinary clinic or hospital.
  It would be good to intern with a veterinaian after you graduate. You will get hands-on experience, under the guidance of a practicing veterinarian, and that will furtheryour experience, while you are getting your finances in order to open your own clinic.
There are a lot of things for you to research, about the colleges that offer veterinary courses.
I live in Texas, and Texas A & M University is one of the top 3 veterinary schools in the country.

    I hope this helps get you started on your research.
If I can help more,feel free to write, and I will help as much as I can.

   well after all that you really helped me. theres one more queston i have to ask old do you have to be to go to like a animal rescue legue?  

well, that depends a lot on the league you apply to, and the laws in your state, the league's insurance requirements. Some insurance companies require the people to be over 18, or if younger, accompanied by a parent.
My grand-daughter wanted to volunteer at our Veterinarian's clinic. He said because of insurance, she couldn't work there as a volunteer until she was 16, and then she couldn't be back in the clinic when they were doing xrays.
Younger than 16, the rescue groups may be able to let you help with cleaning kennels etc, and walking some of the smaller dogs, or dogs that have shown to be very docile. the best way to find out is to check with them and see.
Most of our rescue groups aroung here, and the Humane Society have web sites. There is information on them about volunteering.
Anything you can do will help with the animals, and you will pick up quite a bit of knowledge, just by hearing the talk, and watching the experienced volunteers work. It is all good for you.
Volunteering with a rescue group or a vet's office will also help you determine if that is the type of work you really want to make a career of.
Good luck

PS. I noted you called it a league. most places in the US, they are called rescue groups, rather than leagues. That made me realize you may be in another country.
If yuu are, all the information I am giving you may be wrong. The schooling and volunteering will be governed by the laws of the land you live in.They may be more liberal or more strict.