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Basset Hound Puppy

19 11:36:03

Our puppy was only 7 months old. I took her out this afternoon  to let her play. I let her out for about an hour a day to make sure she gets enough exercise. She loved to run and dig. She had been out there for about 30-45 minutes. When I went out to take her some ice water she was just laying there...lifeless. She had just been playing. It wasn't that hot out there and she still had water so she couldn't have been dehydrated. She hadn't been eating well but she was still gaining weight so we weren't very concerned. She also had some redness on her vulva and a little bit of a rash. But the vet said on the phone that she probably just needed to drink more so that's what we were doing. They said we didn't HAVE to bring her in. But now I wish we had because obviously there was something serious. She had blood coming out of her mouth and was all under her (but is was all from her mouth) by the time my husband got home to bury her. I was just wondering if you could give me some answers. Why would she be bleeding? Could it have been her heart? I'm just so sad and confused. what could it be?


I'm so sorry for your loss, and I really don't know what to tell you.  The vet should NEVER have told you it wasn't necessary to bring her in, that's plain negligence and if I were you I'd call the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) and report that vet hospital.

The only way to really find out what happened is to take the body to the county veterinarian (or other vet skilled in pathology) in your area for a necropsy (autopsy on an animal).  Unfortunately the body would have to have been refrigerated or at least semi-fresh for the vet to do the necropsy.  You may want to call another vet and see what they can do.    

From the sounds of what she was doing before collapsing, it sounds like heat-stroke.  Bleeding may have been secondary to blood vessels rupturing.

According to an article I found while doing research for this topic, it says that cells breakdown as a result of heat stroke.  When a cell breaks down it releases its contents.    If enough cells broke down in the mouth, blood would be released because there are numerous superficial blood vessels in the area.  Also heat stroke inhibits the body's ability to clot blood. Without the ability to clot, the blood will just keep coming leading to hypovolemia (severe blood loss) either just before or after death.

Here's a link to the article I am referring to:

Again, I am very sorry for your loss,
