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No Puppies please

19 10:07:23

Our miniature dachshund is in heat but our friend needed our help. So, we are dog sitting for him and he has a 14 year old blue heeler.  His dog has never been fixed and our dog will be one June 22nd.  My sweetheart says that he can get her pregnant and I think he is to big to do such a thing! Can he get her pregnant?  He has come pretty close, but he is way to big for her.  She is such a small dog. She is only 5 lbs. yes, she is a toy.  Help what do we do!

Hi Clay,

Your sweetheart is correct, any dog can get any other dog pregnant! You shouldn't let your dog alone and unspervised with the blue healer that you're dog sitting. He will not stop in trying to mate with your dog, and it only takes one successful attempt!

If your dog was to get pregnant, she might well need to have a c-section to deliver her litter, which would  be costly. If you want to protect your pocketbook, you'd be wise to protect your dog!

Even if they never actually mate, the vigorous mounting activities of the male dog may cause injuries to the vaginal area of your female dog. Also, your dog could get hip or back related problems due the weight of the male, during his attempted breeding. As you may know, Dachshunds are genetically prone to back problems, ao you really need to look out for her, and not allow even attempted matings.

Best of luck,
