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golden retriever/lab mix puppy

19 10:52:52

hi...yesterday i put a deposit on a golden/retriever/lab mix puppy. it is a female. my husband and i loved both the female and the male of the liter. we did not really want ALOT of shedding ..we inquired and the owner said it mainly sheds twice a year. after coming back home my son investigated and said it is going to shed all over everything all the time. we have a great back yard and a pool and think this dog would be perfect...but such shedding does seem a problem. we are not allergic to dogs but do not know if such shedding is good. i am heartbroken and do not know what to do. i hope you can SHED some light on my problem. thank you for any info you can give us.
the Paul family

Emma, all dogs shed to some extent or the other. If you keep your dog brushed, the shedding will be kept to a minimum. I have three dogs, one of which sheds year-round. I vacuum every other day, and brush the dogs at least once a week and I don't have a problem with the hair. Exactly what is your concern?

Additionally, if your dog eats a nutritious food, it is not going to shed as much as a dog that eats junk food. Please take a look at to learn more about dog foods.