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rotty in heat @10 months old

19 10:30:47

its my dog 1st heat and i want to know how long does the actual bleeding last and if it quits is there any discharge for the rest of the heat cycle or not. so please let me know i have diapers for her also

Hi Elizabeth,

A dog's heat cycle lasts for approximately 21 days, usually twice a year.

Each cycle consists of three parts: the "coming-in", the "being-in", and the "going-out", also known as pro-estrus, estrus and metestrus.  Each part lasts about seven to nine days on average.  The female is fertile and receptive to the male only during the middle part or estrus, despite the fact that she is attractive to the male throughout the entire cycle.  

A pinkish red colored discharge the first week, usually turning to a tannish color during the fertile period, and changing back to a reddish color before gradually stopping altogether. Some females keep themselves extremely clean, and it may be difficult to tell if they are in season at all.

A Female, should NEVER be bred on her first heat, (she has immature eggs) and preferably not her second either. The rule of thumb that works best is to breed on the third season, or at 1.5 to 2 years old, and after all health tests have been passed. Just as a human 14 year old can become pregnant, she'll be a better mother if she waits until she's matured. The same is true for dogs.

Though your dog would have gotten the most health benefits from being spayed before the onset of her first heat cycle, there are still benefits to be had by spaying your dog before her her second heat cycle.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
