Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > eclampsia


19 11:07:14

my mother just had 4 puppies 13 days ago.  2 nites ago she was in emergency overnight due to calcium depletion.  i am now hand feeding the pups but would like to know how long it takes for the mother to "dry up" so that she may snuggle up with pups again?  is there something else i should be doing in the meantime?  she is a chihuahua and all pups have been vet check 2x, are doing fine and have just about completely doubled in weight and eyes opened in most.

It will take a couple weeks for her to dry up.

If you can devise some sort of "pajamas" for her so that her underside is completely covered and the puppies cannot nurse, then she can probably be put back with them to help with some of their care. Infant onesies put on backwards work for schnauzers, but I don't know if they make anything small enough for chihuahuas.