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A older dog still not housebroke?

19 11:31:46

Hello i was reading the answer you had wrote for the lady with the 11month old terrier i think it was. Well i have the same problem except for my dog is about 4 years old and he is a Chiualhua (don't think i spelled that right)It is getting out of hand. My couch is just ruined. He pees and the other and i am doing everything in my power to keep him, cause my hubby wants me to get rid of him cause of this. But i hate to do this but he has ruined my apartment. Is it to late to do anything about this problem. He is crate trained so when i leave he is put up but like the other lady i never cacth him doing it till i see the puddle. Please any help and  advice i would appreciate:) Thankyou,

Well if he isn't fixed getting him fixed may solve the problem

If he is and you said he was crate trained you may want to take him outside more often and for longer periods of time even up to an hour and then when he pees outside praise the heck out of him and do this every couple of hours-this usualy works after a couple of weeks as they soon learn to let you know when they want out