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yorkies and chihuahuas

19 11:44:31

I currently have a 4 yr old female yorkie not fixed, fully trained and housebroken by myself. a friend is giving away a 2 yr old fixed male Chihuahua because she travel alot with her job. i am very interested especially since her bf wants to put it in a shelter ASAP!! she said it used to live w a female maltese and they got along fine and the dog mostly uses wee wee pads to go to the bathroom since she doesn't take him out for walks often and hes a little overweight.
do these 2 breeds get along well and can i retrain the chi to go  out for walks several times a day to got to the bathroom.can i stop the use of wee wee pads if i decide to bring him home to us? any help would be appreciated.thanks
janine sandy

Hello....Check my profile and see what I have I have a labrador retreiver, jack russell terrier and boston terrier they get along well and my sister visits with her 6 pound yorkie every so offen without problems. Since the two dogs are toys they should get along well thou yours may be jelus at first after a few weks of adjustment they should be fine. It will take some diligence and pacience on your part to get the chihuahua to learn taht he can no longer pee in the house...since he is two and has likely been indoor potty trained since he was a puppy chances are it will take about 1-3 months to get him fully cliked to him going only potty outside. I would stop the pee pads as soon as he gets to your house get him and your yorkie leashed up and go to the outdoor pee area he will see your dog peeing and should learn to do the same after a few attempts. Crating him when your not home will pervent messes when you get back as long as you let him out before crating him. Getting the weight off will be as easy as a few short walks per week, Zero table scraps and being put on a Lite formula kibble also avoid free feedng him feed him twice a dayleaving his bolw with him for 10-30 minutes will be good whatever is left gets picked up after 1 week my dogs were fully onto new kibbles and eatting when the kibble was offered. Best of luck with your new pup.