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Pregnancy and my dog (Eggo)

19 14:13:34

Dear Nancy,
 Hi I'm Bekky my dog is Eggo she is a fox terrior greyhound mix she just turned 2 on July 12.  I found out in May that I'm Pregnant with my husband and my first baby.  I'm worried about her adjusting to the change of a new addition to our family.  Is there anything that I can do to make it easier for Eggo?  She is a bit assertive with my 3 year old nephew.  My solution was not to have them together because he is mean to her not meaning to be.  Now that I'm pregnant I wonder if it is something I can help fix before the baby comes in January.  I don't want to give eggo away I want her to be around our family for a long time.  Please Help Me.  Thank you Bekky

Hi Bekky. I can tell, first of all, that you need personal training for your dog. Not the kind where you send her away, but training right in the home. There is a way, also to tell how the dog may be when the baby comes. It is pretty involved, but let me give you the short version.  Get a about the size of a baby. If you can get one that makes noise it is even better. Put baby smells on baby powder, lotion...and wrap it and start holding it, rocking with it...etc once a day. Pay attention to how your dog is when this happens. After about 5 days, put the baby down on te couch or someplace not on the floor but within reach of the dog, see what happens. This may help you to know. Good luck