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Minpin pigment loss

19 14:13:33

Hi. I have a 3 year old male MinPin that has been neutered. I keep up all vacines, flea and heartworm medications as well as bloodwork also. Rocky is a very active, healthy 16 lb Minpin. While he could stand to lose a pound or 3, he has developed graying hair on the tan areas of his face, lower legs and the edges of his ears. This started about 6 months ago and 2 weeks ago I started seeing the hair has actually fallen out and is now a darker gray color. I had him to the Vet this morning and we did a skin scrape for Demodex mites and the result was negative. Could you shed any light from your previous experience on what I need to possibly have the vet check for? I am wondering if it is a auto-immune problem, diabetes or thryoid. The results from the bloodwork has not been completed yet. Thank you for any help that you can give me.

Hello Joseph.  My best friend has a Min. Pin. so I can give you first hand advice.  Zippy usually gets this problem each summer, sometimes it appears as bumps and then hair loss, or just hair loss.  My friend made a trip to the determatologist the first time to make sure it was not mites or anything serious.  In Zippy's case it was not.  and with prednizone and time (no heat) it went away.  I think that if you get all negative results back from your personal vet take those result to a pet determatologist and get his opinion.  This way you know you have coverd everything and you can treat accordingly.  Unfortunately, Min Pins do suffer from skin/determitius problems.  Good luck, Cindy lou :)