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Need Help ASAP

19 11:51:41

My sister just got a 4 month old Saint Bernard/German Shepahrd mix. He's had a lot of problem since she got him. He was neglected and, I think, beaten. When she got him Bristol had burrs all over him so she had to get him shaved. Now that he's shaved, she's finding these sores all over him, some of the sores look as though there's something in them. Such as a tic inbedded in his fur. She's getting all that taken care of, but now he's been having problems with his nose running. It's a green-ish color and we can't figure out what it might be. I've looked and I couldn't find anyone else who may be able to help. Do you think you may have an answer to it?


Good for your sister for rescuing Bristol. Shelter dogs make lovely pets.

Also, good for her for taking him to the veterinarian regarding the skin issues. That's exactly what needed to be done. Unfortunately, that's the same thing that needs to be done for the runny nose. It's probably nothing serious, but it could be un upper respiratory infection or allergies. It may even be a simple cold. She can probably also call her veterinarian and get an idea over the phone of what it might be.

I know cost is probably a concern and its troubling to already have to take a new dog to the veterinarian multiple times. I am sure, though, that once we get these first few problems cleared up Bristol will be a healthy and happy dog. Rescue dogs sometimes come with a few health issues that weren't able to be adressed while they were in a kennel full of other dogs that needed attention as well.

My last piece of advice to you - and the most important - is for your sister to find a good, experienced trainer in your area. Neglected and abused dogs turn into wonderful, loving family members, but often times they need a little help from a behaviorist to do so. One of my dogs, Arthur, came from a horrible situation in a junkyard where he was used to train fighting dogs. When Animal Control picked him up, he was too vicious to handle and they ordered him destroyed. A trainer here who has a special interest in rehabilitation snuck him out of the shelter and rehabilitated him at her home. Since I adopted him from her, he has been the perfect dog - he's amazing. I can't believe the stories they tell me about how he used to be. He was certified as a therapy dog last year and we visit children's hospitals and nursing homes together. I don't know if Bristol is aggressive, scared, shy, or what behavior it is you're seeing- but dogs that come from difficult situations can almost always be rehabilitated with the help of a good trainer and the love of a patient owner.

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Good luck with all of this and let me know if you need anything else.
