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pee pad chewer

19 9:24:47

I have a 4 month old mini schnauzer who chews her pee pad when on one is around, even after she uses it.I've tried spraying apple bitters...did not work. I bought the pee pad holder..did not work. She is a wonderful, smart, loving pet who have captured my heart. My husband says something has to give...please help.

i don't know what is going on with this site, because i answered this already....

two things to do:

change your dog to Eukanuba puppy food.  it will help him to stop chewing.  If you cant get this then get a mineral supplement, but that takes longer to work.

you can get washable pads.  they are expensive to start, but puppies don't usually chew them

your pup is probably needing more ash in his diet.  Eukanuba puppy food is high in ash and satisfies this deficiency.
