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schnauzer puppy barking

19 9:24:47

Hi i have a 14wk old schnauzer mini called Rudi and he is a lovely lively boy.  However when taking him out for a walk he barks unnecessarily at people and other dogs!! What is the best way to stop this barking as we live in a built up area and do not wish to annoy neighbours.  Thank you


Hi Cheryl,

When your puppy barks when you're walking him, don't correct him by shouting at him. This is only going to make matters worse since your puppy is thinking you are barking too (and is probably happy you joined in). Be consistent. Pick a one-word command such as "Enough" for the behavior you want and always use that word in the same tone of voice. Everyone in the household must use the same command and act identically. Allow your puppy to bark once or twice at strangers, wave a tiny bit of a tasty treat in front of him (tiny pieces of hot dog or cheese work well)  and lead his nose until he is looking at you - tell him the command -"Enough"" then give him the treat after one second. Only give the treat if he looks at you and doesn't bark at the stranger.
If you can't get his attention then step in front of him so he sees you. That also works in blocking out the stranger. Eventually your pup will learn to look up at you every time he sees something strange - when he does this, only give the treat when the person has passed, and he is quiet. It will take some time, but so long as you stay consistent and don't treat for the barking,  he will learn.  

Watch his body language and you will pick up on when he is going to start barking. It's best when you can distract the puppy before the bad behavior ever occurs. Training your puppy to focus on you, is a good habit for your puppy to get used to, since it's you who must be obeyed.

Puppy "kindergarten" classes are offered by most dog obedience schools. They're a great place for your puppy to meet new people and other dogs. He can learn to obey you even when there are numerous distractions. You also have a trainer present who can help you with any potential problems. Ask your vet or a local boarding kennel for a referral to a dog dog obedience puppy kindergarten.

Best of luck,
