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timid cocker spaniel

19 9:19:06

I recently adopted a rescue cocker spaniel, and she is so timid around me how do I gain her trust and let her know I love and and will never harm her? I don't know what to do.

Hi Jeannie,

Thank you for writing to me about your new rescue.  Many cocker spaniel's suffer from fear anxiety.  The first thing to do is crate train her.  This is give her a safe place ...a room of her own.

Next, do some blood work on her...particularly the thyroid.  Having an off center thryoid can cause anxiety issues.  The thyroid should be dead center.

Give her some calming herbs with her meals. I like to use Tran-quil for my dog.

There is also an anxiety shirt that helps many dogs with fears.

I would hand feed her until her trust level rises.  Do not speak in a loud voice to her.  Do not bend over her but approach her almost side ways and stoop down to her level.

Give her a lot of exercise.  This changes brain chemistry for the better and relieves anxiety.

Massage her.  Brush her.  Be very gentle with her.

All this will help and she will be yours forever.  We don't know what she has suffered before she came to you..probably emotional if not physical abuse.  You have to give her time to trust you.

Best of luck and thank you for adopting.

Shelley Davis

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