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My Dog is Obsessed with Neighbors Dog

19 9:19:21

Dear Nicki,
My one year old male lab/pit bull mix is obsessed with my neighbor's dog (these neighbor's live across the fence from me, not to the left or right). Every time their dog is outside my dog whines and cries to get outside. If my dog is already outside he crouches down as if he's stalking the neighbor's dog. Then he sprints to the fence and trots and paces next to it. The neighbor's dog doesn't pay attention to my dog. He never eggs the pacing on or does anything to make my dog start pacing. I now have no grass by the fence, only dirt. I'm okay with my dog running along the fence with the neighbor's dog but I don't like my dog pacing the fence just because the other dog is outside. I've tried keeping my dog inside but he jumps up on the windows and doors trying to get outside. We end up having to put him in his crate to calm him down. Most of the time I walk my dog around on the leash in the backyard until he calms down enough to not pace. It doesn't always work and I don't think it's solving the problem. It's worse when the neighbors are outside with their dog, my dog runs along the fence instead of trots. The neighbor's that live diagonal of me have a dog. The dog that my dog is obssessed with sometimes runs along the fence with that dog. That sends my dog over the edge and he runs and barks at the them even though they aren't paying attention to them. I don't know what to do, please help.


Hi Samantha,

You didn't say if your male dog is neutered or not. Neutering your dog would probably be helpful, especially if the dog on the other side of the fence is a female. There are many low-cost neutering services available. Ask your local animal shelter or vet's office to see what's in your area.

You've noted your dog is calmer after you walked around the yard on a leash. Your dog would really benefit from getting more daily exercise, in the way of leashed walks (on the road, not in your yard). Dog trainers have a saying: "A tired dog is a calm dog", and it's true. Exercise has a calming effect on dogs, just as it does with people. If you give your dog at least one 20 minute walk a day, I think you'll see a big difference. If it's warm where you are, walk your dog in the coolest parts of the day, either early in the morning or in the evening.

Along with the increased exercise, try to let your dog out in your yard when the neighbor's dog isn't outside, or move his outdoor kennel to another part of your yard.

Best of luck,
