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Very Agressive Dog ! !

19 11:53:35

Over the years I have had quite a few dogs, but nothing compares to what I am going thru now with my dogs.  Right now I have (2)...One female (Regin)  Age about 5   Who is a mutt, but people tell me she looks like a Bird Dog....The other one is a male (Zack) Age about 6  Who is a mutt but many people say he resembles a Walker Hound.
Problem:   Zack has appointed himself as the ring leader and is a very good watch dog.  He has become very protective of me since my husband passed away almost 2 years ago... but Zack was still the same even when my husband was here.   Zack is very territorial. He is very jealous, and thinks he is KING of the house.  He has to be first at everything... even when I let them both out.. he pushes Regin out of the way just so he can get out of the door first.... so it is that type of behavior I am talking about.  He is constantly growling at Regin, and they have gotten into some mean fights.. with Zack picking the fight against Regin..... I really want to get a little lap dog for myself.  A dog that I can take in the car with me, and just be with all the time.  Today my daughter brought over her little black lab puppy, who is about 3 months old.  Sierra loves to play, but have to watch her constantly when she comes over, because as soon as she gets near Zack, he starts growling very meanly.  He has nipped Sierra another time, but I have to constantly be on the alert when she is here.   Today, when Sierra came over.... she made the mistake of jumping on my bed while I was laying down.  Well then all heck broke loose.  Zack pounced on Sierra and proceeded to knock her around like she was a ragdoll.  We got between them, and Zack did put a couple of little holes on Sierra's nose and head.   I am beside myself with trying to break Zack of this behavior.  He is very jealous, even though I show him alot of attention.  My other dog Regin just seems go go with the flow, and kind of stays out of Zack's way... but sometimes they have gotten into some pretty mean fights.   I don't know what to do about this behavior.  I was going to get a muzzle for Zack when Sierra is here, just so he knows that his behavior is unacceptable... but don't know if that is the right thing to do.  I love my two dogs... but Zack's aggressiveness is making me crazy.  I hope you can help me with this matter.  
My son has 4 dogs.... 2 labs.. one yellow and one black and he has since brought in 2 Chicuauas..sp???  (2 little TacoBell dogs)... they get along so good.  THose little dogs can do anything to the big ones and they lay there doing nothing.  I don't know what it is about mine....I need to do something fast before Zack really hurts another dog.   Thank you so much for any help you can give me on this matter.  I need all the suggestions I can get.
Barbara Erdman

Hi Barbara;
Dogs, like children, do what they can get away with.
Zack learned a long time ago that he can get away with being the alpha, especially now that your husband is gone.
He probably does feel he needs to be more protective of you, but he also knows you will let him get away with being the boss.
You have to teach him that YOU are the alpha ( boss), and he is just one of the little kids that has to mind you.
Just like with a bully child, Zack needs to be retrained to know his place.
I would suggest you take him through an obedience class at Petsmart, Petco or Man's Best Friend.
They have weekend classes.
If you are not physically strong enough to handle him, you may need to consider finding him a new home, or hiring a trainer.
Your son's dogs know who is boss, and that they are not allowed to act ugly to the others.
Just as with children, they way a dog acts depends on how it is raised.
When he pushes Regin out of the way, bring him back in a d scold the heck out of him.
I would put a leash on him, open the door, and restrain him from pushing ahead of her, scolding him that he HAs to behave, and not push.
First off, a hound is a more independent personality, and bird dogs are usually milder.
Your son's labs are born to be nurturing and are not generally as pushy or determined to rule, unless they have been spoiled to think they can get away with it.
Your son apparently knows how to asert himself as alpha to his dogs, without being mean to them.
Some people think you have to brak a dog's sopirit, which is wrong.
You don't have to clw a dog to make him mind, it is just all in the training.
The reason most little dogs are yappy and tend to bite, is because they are usually treated like spoiled babies, and not taught ti mind.
the spelling is Chihuahua.LOL
They are usually one breed that little old ladies allow to act like brats. They can actually be the most loving little things, and perfectly behaved, if they are taught right.
Animal massage may help you train Zack easier.
He has been the boss for a long time, he is not goinmg to give it up easily.
Go to this site, and read about what can be done with the massages, and if you think they will help, you can order a video from there to learn how to do the different massages.
I have used this method of massage for years, and have very good results with it.

Good luck retraining this little tyrant.