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Female is spotting w/mucus

19 11:38:36

QUESTION: My female is 2.5yrs old.  When I bred her the first time she only had just one huge pup that didn't make it because it was too big for her to push out.
Anyways to make story short, we just bred her 3.5 weeks ago and now she is spotting lightly and there is dicharge with it, like a mucus stuff and it's pink.  Is or could this be a miscarriage.  She has a poor appetite and I thought it was just because of her being pregnant.

ANSWER: Usually they resorb the embryos before six weeks and abort them after six weeks if they cannot maintain the pregnancy. I am wondering if she doesn't have an open pyometra. She should be examined by your veterinarian as soon as possible.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Also I forgot to ask, can females be pregnant and have a open pymetra?  If so and she is still stable enough, if given the antibotic for it to rupture, is that the same thing as aborting the pups too?

Anything is possible, of course, but if it is a pyo, I doubt that she is pregnant; it would be hard to sustain life in a pus-filled uterus. I am not sure what you mean by "rupture"; nothing should rupture. An open pyo can be treated with antibiotics to kill the infection, but the standard treatment for pyos is spaying (plus antibiotics). With a closed pyo, there is no other option than spaying as the dog will die otherwise.

But this could always be something else, which is why you need to have her seen. Pyometra was the first thought that popped into my mind, as I had a bitch with an open pyo many years ago, and she was draining pretty much the way you are describing your bitch.
