Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > rubbing


19 13:34:40

I have a small Chihuahuas he's about 10yrs old I was given him from a friend who said the
people who had him were keeping home locked in a small dog carrier cage.  When I got him he
was skin & bones
after getting him cleaned up and and back in good health (almost) I mean he has this sever
problem of rubbing his back end and tail on the furniture until it is raw (no Hair) I have
put ointment on and it sooths him for awhile then it's back again. I am retired and
can't afford a large vet bill to get him treated.

I been told that it could cost me several hundred dollars. I don't want to put him down
he too loving.  any ideas on what i could try?

Hi Donald,
I am so proud of you for saving that little chi.  I don't understand how people can be so cruel.  Have you tried putting neosporin on the sore?  It is a great antibiotic ointment and helps promote healing.  You may need to buy some gauze at a pharmacy and wrap it around his body after applying the neosporin, then buy some surgical tape and tape it so he can't get it off.  Once it is healed, hopefully it won't itch and he will leave it alone.
Good luck and God Bless,