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how to train my 8 month old dog??

19 9:40:26

someone please help me!!! i have an 8 month old shitzu who will not potty train.. he has been with us for a month and a half and still no better than the day we got him. He was previously allowed to use training pads at his origional home but i hate them and want him to go outside. I have small children so i really am getting frustrated with cleaning up pee and poo on the floor. He is only in our kitchen for easy clean up but if your in the kitchen he will still pee and give no clue that he has to go outside, he will just squat and pee.  How can i make him understand he has to go outside. i have tried everything.. he's way to tinny to make an outside dog or i would if i could at this point. i let him out as soon as we get up and after each meal/drink but it don't seem to matter what i do!!HELP ME !!!

You need to start from scratch with this dog, and you need a crate for him. When you cannot watch him, he needs to be in his crate. When he is loose, HE MUST BE WATCHED; he needs to go outside at least once an hour, and *you need to go with him* so that you can watch him go and praise him when he potties appropriately. Also, keep a journal of when he potties so that you can eventually see a pattern to his potty times.

Before you let him outside, always hesitate at the door a bit and try to get him excited about going out by asking him in a happy voice, "do you want to go outside?" and telling him what a good boy he is as you both go through the door. Keep in mind that this dog has been pottying in the house for eight months; he doesn't understand anything else because he has not been *taught* anything else.