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Boxer Skin Disorder

19 9:40:26

I saw your question posted about your dog Hunter with the skin disorder.  My Boxer has this same thing except his is worse and worsens every year.  It seems like the seasonal flank alopecia as it usually starts in March then subsides later in the year and his hair mostly regrows.  I was curious if you ever found out what it was for sure...

Thanks, Bruce


Hi Bruce,

I'm sorry but I don't recall the question you are referring to.

I've gotten a lot of All Expert Questions over the years, and most people do not send me a follow-up of their dog's condition. Of course, I hope things worked out for the best for the questioner, and his or her dog.

If your dog's seasonal flank alopecia seems to be getting worse with time, you should have your veterinarian rule out several other problems including demodectic mange, inhalant allergies, endocrine disorders such as hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease) and hypothyroidism, all of which can have similar symptoms.  To check for this, your vet would do a blood test and possibly a skin sample test.

Thanks for taking the time to write to me,
