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Dog Droppings

19 14:31:09

My gosh I am so sorry to even have to ask this question of you, but it on my mind.
I live in a fourplex and share a yard with my neighbour. We have a dog and the people upstairs do as well. for about a year they were letting their dog poop all over the yard and blamed it on us. Even though we proved ourselves innocent, we are always being watched. Just the other day my neighbour next door told me they will need to dig up the yard so many feet to stop the smells from omitting from the grass from dog droppings that were previously there. I was shocked. I mean there is nothing in the yard and we have gone through a winter and spring and she is still complaining. I am yet to find something on a grass cleaning product. Do you think she is right about the smell remaining or maybe she is going a little too far?

Going a little too far...thats an understatement!  She sounds like a psycho. If the poop is cleaned up, there is NO WAY the smell would still be coming up from the grass. I have 4 dogs in my yard and I will be honest, the poop doesn't get picked up at all when there is snow on the ground (Im in Wisconsin). In spring I rake it all up and thats it. There is no lingering smell, especially after a rain. I have never heard of someone digging up a yard because of dog poop smell. If she does this and tries to charge you for it, I would fight that in court if I had to. Its ridiculous! The only grass cleaner I know of is rain, and that is all you need.