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Pom/Border Collie barking all night

19 10:21:28

I recently adopted a 7 year old mixed Pom from our local SPCA. I have a very nice sized crate for him, which is where he has to be when i am at work (max. average. 24 hrs/wk).
However, from the very first night he would bark...only when we would go to bed and he was left downstairs in the crate. He seemed to be decreasing his amount of barking. Last night the only thing different was that I allowed him to be outside his crate while we ate. he was SO polite. He never once bothered us while we ate! But when it came to bedtime, instead of his usual barking for an hour or two, he barked ALL night! (Yes, he was in the crate.)
Can you please help?? My husband is very upset. He has to get up for work early and the barking is keeping him awake.

Hi Sandy,

Try moving your dog's crate to your bedroom at night, or get a second crate for the bedroom area.

If your dog starts barking while he's being crated in your bedroom, firmly tell him "QUIET" as you loudly clap your hands to startle him. Sometimes, if the dog is particularly persistent, squirting the dog in the face with a water pistol or squirt bottle while firmly saying "QUIET" is needed to get your point across.

What you don't want to do is talk sweetly or offer comfort while the dog is being crated, as a way of making him quiet. That kind "positive" attention might make him bark more. Your correction should be quick and firm, so your dog does not mistake it as comfort.
When your dog is quiet for a couple minutes, reward him with a treat, and say "Good Quiet" while keeping your behavior low-key and pleasant. You can toss the treat into the crate from a few feet away, if walking towards the crate gets him too excited. Good behavior should always be rewarded!

Best of luck,
